Dear Visitor,
We welcome you at the "Swiss campaign" website. It is dedicated to the military campaign of the Russian troops led by Alexander Suvorov in Swiss Alps in 1799.
We are planning to celebrate 220th anniversary of this famous campaign by recreating the march of the Russian troops across the Alps wearing and using the historically correct uniforms and equipment along the same route and at the same time but 220 years later. This is an extreme challenge designed to test the will and physical abilities of the people of the 21st century. Would we able to take up this challenge and succeed? Are people of the modern times capable to replicate the war feat of their ancestors at the time of peace?
It is intended to take the 1799 route of the Russian army under Suvorov’s command at the same period from September 22nd to October 5th, 2019. The expected number of participants is about 70 people. We will carry our supplies, equipment and set up rough camps in the open where it is permitted by the Swiss authorities.
Preparations are underway, but a lot is yet to be done in the remaining time.
· You can follow the preparations agenda by clicking on "Events" and "What is done?"
· You can find a way of participation in the project suitable to you – directly or by contributing to preparations and organisation. Details are provided at the section "Contribute / Participate "
· To meet our organisers and supporters please visit sections "Team" and "Project Partners"
· If you have not found an answer to your question at the "FAQ” section, you can also raise additional questions here: “Задать вопрос".
We are glad to see you at our website and inviting you to take part in this project.
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